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can I get a tutorial on how to download it as im so confused

Download and open the .rar with Winrar/7zip

Deleted 4 years ago

how would that even work? its a VR game that has support for desktop. even on desktop the whole experience isnt the same, but on a phone? i dont see how that is an idea that is going to happen anywhere in the near future

 will this game work on windows mixed reality?

Yup, it works great!

It says file Forbidden can someone help me out here?


hi viva project sooner or later will you create a quest version? because many people do not have a PC that supports virtual reality (like me for example) but would like to try the game in VR mode so if possible will you create a quest version?

i dont think  a game liek this that lets you look up a loli's skirt would be allowed in the oculus store but on sidequest maybe. ive tried this on link tho with rift controls and the controls and everything went smoothly with some shared keybindings so i think there's a chance


I hope you can create the version for quest

well i mean can't but maybe a brave warrior can. oh but if youre gonna want to get it though there's a 99% chance youll have to sideload it which will require a cable so it's better to just play it from steamvr with a usb 2/3 cable lmak

i have a MacBook so i can sideload it (my Windows pc can’t run vr and heavy Games 

ah. well this game doesnt have an apk file packaged with it so youll need to wait some time. while you wait, try the game out on lowest settings and if it doesnt work then idk man

Well, if you have a VR ready PC, you should be able to use Oculus Link to play it if you add the game as a non steam app VR game through steam :D

Deleted 4 years ago

You can already do that here. When you click download you can set a donation amount. But it makes little sense to do say $5 because that can give you 5 months worth of development access.


you plan to release the game for steam ?

plan to continue updating the game ?

Always. If you are interested in following the game's development check out

system requirements?

ran it on  a low budget gpu (gtx 745) on low settings with relative ease so this shouldnt be that demanding when it comes to graphics and stuff, im sure it's going to be different but it wouldnt hurt to just try and see. many people tell me things dont work with my gpu but when i try them theyre wrong, so it usually all comes down to specifics. see if itll run and then youve got your answer. hope that helps


Personagem, fica todo preto só aparece a saía.

i tried re-downloading it, but it has the same error, and i did extract it

any other ideas

Make sure you properly downloaded it. I dont know what else could be wrong.

make sure winzip or win7 is up to date.

me ayudan cuando ya tengo el rar ya descargado cuando lo voy a descomprimir se me abren dos ventanas una me dice que no se encontrado archivos y la otra dice ''que el archivo tiene un formato desconocido o esta dañado''

me ayudaria su respuesta 


Hey dude. I just wanna say thank you for creating this awesome game, and made it compatible with mouse and keyboard.

You have no idea how much this helps me, like, in a personal level. And with the current crisis right now and my country in Movement Control Order, this really helps alot. I want to tell you how much I wanted to cry but my tear duct's not working right now.

Also, is there gonna be a way to change the pictures on the walls? Maybe a mod support beside the loli? 

Anyways, thank you for making this. You are a hero.

God bless.

No problems mang.

so i tried and it still wont start, an error message displays about unityplayer.ddl not found, any idea of how to solve this?

Make sure you download properly and EXTRACT

En una futura actualización podrían hacer que la niña sintiera sentimientos cómo pena, enojo, etc.

Y que sienta cosas como dolor, cosquillas, etc 👍

Deleted post

Try changing the anti aliasing mode in the game's options settings.

Deleted post

  • It was fun. Thank you

Does this have index support, if not is there any plan to implement that?

It has index support out of the box.

Deleted post

I have the same problem

eu estava fazendo o dowload,mais em uma hora apareceu ´Falha-Proibido´ poderiam me dizer como arrumar isso pfv agradeço


i wish the girl wasnt a loli so i wouldnt feel so degenerate just because i want to check out this sick AI

Do u need a vr set for this?


Ok! Thanks! Btw, when I open it up it brings me to a VLC media player but I'm not sure what to do

so im pretty sure im just stupid but i cant get the game to start. anything would help

1.) Download the .rar

2.) Open the .rar with Winrar or 7zip (google them)
3.) place the contents outside and then just run the .exe

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

i cant open the file, something about it being .RAR?

use Winrar or 7zip

it works now ty

Deleted 4 years ago

Works just fine for me. Try again now mayBe?


Can you please make a port for the oculus quest ?

(that may be possible thanks to OpenXR [maybe])

If you have a good pc all you have to do is get riftcat, there's a video on YouTube, but am in a pretty bad spot my laptop can't even handle the oculus app really irritating

I have a problem the file starts to download but out of nowhere appears "error: prohibited" or also the "network error"

it works whit windows mixed reality?

If you bind it with SteamVR Input yes.

(1 edit)

tengo un problema el archivo empieza a descargarse pero de la nada aparece ´´error:prohibido´´ o tambien el de ´´error de red´´

A mi también me pasa lo mismo amigo ya lo solucionaste? 

(1 edit)

需要 Windows 的版本



hola soy nuevo pero estoy recien descargando el juego


how do i  make her strands soapy?

yep,have the same problem,my pc is nothing special but it can run gta 5 on 60 middle graphics so its a game bug definitely.


Deleted 4 years ago

i'm on computer and i rubbed the soap


everything works fine but i cant see the loli???? i can like touch her and lead her around but i cant see her

I have an oculus rift s, and I am playing the game normally but it is muted. I can't hear anything, but the sounds on the oculus menu work normally. Is there any way to resolve this?

How did you do it?


My shinobu project have some problems

... Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade... how far you've fallen... well, at least lil Shinobu finally got her doughnuts...

(1 edit)

r the doughnuts really in the game because i can'find them


yes they are, i found it but i was too dark to know the way, all i know is there is a cart with a latern and some donut

Deleted 284 days ago
(1 edit)

Same problem here.

19/03/2020  Now works again! solved. Probably was an  Steam VR issue.

what was the problem exactly. sorry to bother but I'm having the same issue

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