i think i would love the game but im not able to play it atm i have an issue with the input manager in the launcher of o.7.5 i think.
i cant change it back to whatever controller bind it was i can only put keyboard input in so now im unable to grab the book in which you save is there something i can try?
i tried reinstalling already and somehow i get the same input settings back
Dude, this night (I'm new in this game and web, but... read this)... Tonight I dreamed that in a game like Heroes & Generals WWII you could be in virtual reality and reload weapons with the VR controllers, and then a loli from Viva Project appeared next to me dressed for war with a weapon and a helmet, who he was saying something... I think it was that he needed to cover me and immediately he ducked behind a rock. So I crouched down too and reloaded my weapons. We both looked at the bridge over which we had crossed a river in order to invade an enemy area. Then I looked at her and she looked back at me with a worried face and an exhausted breath. All around were more men with their female companions running further than I can remember; some fell to the ground head-on from a shot to the stomach, others to the head, but without blood and made signs to run towards the enemy as if they were retreating. And to top it off, in my dream there was a tank in which there was someone on top with a shield pointing to the place to take.
Most likely, with the mix between anime video games, with Russia x Ukraine, with what I have studied about world wars and with my imagination, that is why I have dreamed of this. Tell me, would it be a good video game project? (The woman who accompanies you is customizable and interacts according to the situation; she can also die, although she reappears. In an online game or only in story mode.) And all thanks to the fact that what was missing in my mind was this beautiful simulator.
Most survival / shooting games could use a happy little loli/waifu by your side. If you want to work on developing this, remember to start on a short scale project and then build off of it.
Yep, I know that, but the important thing about this is that I don't know anything from game-developing... XDn't. I just want to work in other things as a scientist. BUT-->! I know I normally have so good ideas, and other people too, so probably in the future ill make a discord server for developers and "lore" designers.
when ever i get into the game it limits the game to 3 fps according to the geforce experience fps counter. this is not due to my hardware because the first time i ran it i had a solid 75 fps on high graphics
Not really sure what the issue is. But whenever I launch the game the vision is weird. feels like I'm cross-eyed and don't know how to fix it. Any suggestions?
Yo, yeah it works on the Quest 2 - that's what a play it on. (I have only tested the .8 version on this however I imagine the others would work along with the same concept.)
- I have a link cable though so that might possibly be your problem
The other issues I encounter are usually solved by first opening the game on the computer, calibrating/connecting the keybinds with the controllers (shown above this comment section), and then needing to switch to vr mode in the book found by hitting esc.
As I likely won't be back here to reply, I wish you luck and hope this helped a bit :D
please and yes I'm begging make this an apk file pleeeeeaaaasse i need it on my quest milliseconds from now so beg of you plleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasse
Do I understand correctly that this game only works on Windows, or is there a current Linux version? Because it seems it was available for Linux in the past.
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como joga?ima need this for the quest2 on sidequest standalone
How much would it cost in $ to make this grow quickly? Because I want to support this, but I still don't have any method for paying. lol
by hes patreon, you can donate up to 7$
Today he announced he's done with the project, so... oof.
yeah, but hey, at least he's gonna make more games haha
And, is there anyone who would be able to continue with this project? Does the creator want to not be finished this game?
He said he released the source, but I saw no links to repositories or tarballs
i think i would love the game but im not able to play it atm i have an issue with the input manager in the launcher of o.7.5 i think.
i cant change it back to whatever controller bind it was i can only put keyboard input in so now im unable to grab the book in which you save is there something i can try?
i tried reinstalling already and somehow i get the same input settings back
Dude, this night (I'm new in this game and web, but... read this)... Tonight I dreamed that in a game like Heroes & Generals WWII you could be in virtual reality and reload weapons with the VR controllers, and then a loli from Viva Project appeared next to me dressed for war with a weapon and a helmet, who he was saying something... I think it was that he needed to cover me and immediately he ducked behind a rock. So I crouched down too and reloaded my weapons. We both looked at the bridge over which we had crossed a river in order to invade an enemy area. Then I looked at her and she looked back at me with a worried face and an exhausted breath. All around were more men with their female companions running further than I can remember; some fell to the ground head-on from a shot to the stomach, others to the head, but without blood and made signs to run towards the enemy as if they were retreating. And to top it off, in my dream there was a tank in which there was someone on top with a shield pointing to the place to take.
Most likely, with the mix between anime video games, with Russia x Ukraine, with what I have studied about world wars and with my imagination, that is why I have dreamed of this. Tell me, would it be a good video game project? (The woman who accompanies you is customizable and interacts according to the situation; she can also die, although she reappears. In an online game or only in story mode.) And all thanks to the fact that what was missing in my mind was this beautiful simulator.
that do be a big brain idea (although it has already been done without success)
Crying disappointed noises*
Most survival / shooting games could use a happy little loli/waifu by your side. If you want to work on developing this, remember to start on a short scale project and then build off of it.
Yep, I know that, but the important thing about this is that I don't know anything from game-developing... XDn't. I just want to work in other things as a scientist. BUT-->! I know I normally have so good ideas, and other people too, so probably in the future ill make a discord server for developers and "lore" designers.
for me it was runing vary slow is it possible that you could add a native version on quest 2
when ever i get into the game it limits the game to 3 fps according to the geforce experience fps counter. this is not due to my hardware because the first time i ran it i had a solid 75 fps on high graphics
can some one tell me how to get it on quest 2
all i remember is you need 7-zip downloaded
Why did you break the game so bad?
When I get into the game, my wrists look like they are broken lol. The hands aren't angled correctly. How do you fix that?
Its a verry good game!! I rlly like it! 100/100 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
pls make new windows versio
how do i play the game?
I intend on getting Oculus Quest 2 to play this game.Is there any thing I should note? compability,controls,etc
Are there any oculus apk downloads for this game?
I'm thinking of buying vr and this would be my first game. What vr headset should I get to play this?
One of the HTC ones. Or WMR if you are cash strapped. Dont go with oculus stuff or you will be shackled to their platform.
just get an OQ2
Not really sure what the issue is. But whenever I launch the game the vision is weird. feels like I'm cross-eyed and don't know how to fix it. Any suggestions?
boy what the fuck
I can't download the new versions only the first ones
how can i access the sound files on 0.8? I want to modify it but can't find it anywhere.
I wish this game will support VRoidHub or VRM model data.
Is there a place where I can get character cards for version 9?
I’m playing on Oculus Quest 2 and I can’t fix the controls, steam vr won’t load the controls so I can edit them.
You should use old steam vr control ui. Then many control settings will appear.
how do you do that?
Is there a way to play on Oculus Quest 2? Tried via air link, but camera won't move and hands are broken
Yo, yeah it works on the Quest 2 - that's what a play it on.
(I have only tested the .8 version on this however I imagine the others would work along with the same concept.)
- I have a link cable though so that might possibly be your problem
The other issues I encounter are usually solved by first opening the game on the computer, calibrating/connecting the keybinds with the controllers (shown above this comment section), and then needing to switch to vr mode in the book found by hitting esc.
As I likely won't be back here to reply, I wish you luck and hope this helped a bit :D
Thank you :)
Looks like what I did wrong was forcefuly adding and trying to open it directly from oculus library, instead of swithing modes on PC.
Had to recalibrate controlers in-game, now it works ok, now I only need to figure out how to open menu without switching to keyboard.
what year game was maked
(0.9.08.rar) hands physic so strange, but map is normal
is this for quest too or no
it is you only have to change they controller bindings
sorry if my english is not good. I download this after see a video of it but in the game i can't carry the girl like the guy did
you can carry girls only in v0.8-0.8.1
ok thx
please and yes I'm begging make this an apk file pleeeeeaaaasse i need it on my quest milliseconds from now so beg of you plleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasse
Is this Oculus only? By the way I saw youtubers play and I wanted to try for mine so, any possible way to do it without Oculus?
The game is for PC, meaning there's no apk available for Oculus, only an exe for HTC Vive/SteamVR etc
Game for PC, VR, Mobiles(Fan version).
Do I understand correctly that this game only works on Windows, or is there a current Linux version? Because it seems it was available for Linux in the past.
only v0.1 like 3 years ago. So no. Only windows for now. But that could change.
you can try running through proton but it may have weird bugs.
"Set in Mexico"
Say no more, I'm in
Hey could you make the game installable through the launcher again?
I know I can do it manually but it would be nice to being able to update the game without extracting and moving around the files
I got lost in the sauce because of this game...
Can I play non vr?
broken to hell n back, cant play
Play the older version v0.75. v0.9 is still WIP
i meant for both at the time -_-
0.75 had an issue where i couldnt get the controlls to rebind right and 0.9 was obviously bugged out
bro i already paid a damn dollar for the damn game... and it wont let me download it
the game is free you just need to click "no thanks, take me to the download page."
Homie took the biggest L of his entire life