You have to download Winrar and extract the files. You will see that there is something called "Viva Project" or something of that sort in the files you click on it and you can play the game.
As you can see all versions above 0.5 are in .rar files, this doesnt make any difference for downloading other than the decreased time required, if you want to open said .rar files, use BreeZip (thats what i use and it works fine) and just extract the files to wherever u want to put the game...
What keybindings do you need to use on Quest 2 to get it to work? I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. Appreciate any help you can provide!
there is a bug where i cant move my eyes when i grab the bathroom door in the old house, and can for some reason, can go through it. also the closet and side table i can also go through
No matter what I tired I still couldn't get controls fully working. I know the game is good, but sadly I can't play it without controls working. Tho it might be my setup at fault - streaming wirelessly to quest 1. The furthest I have gotten is getting the grab to work, but nothing else. I am not planning on giving up on this game in hopes that one day I will manage to play it as it was meant to be. Patting lolis even with non working controls was enough to hook me on to the game, so I won't quit until I can do more. Dev is doing a great job and I don't want to miss out on it
broken on both (sort of), most of the mechanics were broken due to the physics rewrite, the game is still playable there is just less to do, so if you want all the features that dont work anymore, just use 0.7 latest
You misunderstand; that works fine for the 0.75.3 version of the game perfectly fine, but I am eternally stuck in the latest version of the game, and am unable to move my hands.
have you tried any of the community bindings for ur headset? Are you launching it as a non-steam game instead of just running the exe? As annoying as it is, to help i will need you to be even more specific... 😅
The whole situation is odd, and I don't even think its the games fault. After launching the latest version, I am unable to even choose a community binding, as it will just load its options indefinitely (it doesn't do this on the 0.75.3 version, but I wonder now since I've applied community bindings on that version it would work on the latest one if I try again?". I launch the game using steam VR, but afterwards, my hands remain glued to one spot on the floor, unable to motion, point, or be moved at all, no matter where I move the controllers.
at this point it sounds like something is corrupted, i would recommend downloading a new 0.8 game folder and doing all previous fixes with that, if it still doesn't work then i literally have no idea what's wrong coz it should be really easy to fix, also what headset are you using, just in case
Dear developers! Tracking for Valve Index controllers does not work on version v0.8.03. In the previous version v 0.75.3, tracking works. Please create a fix. The controllers in the new version lie on the floor and do not move. Tracking doesn't work. The buttons of the controllers work.
im starting to wonder if anyone actually looks at the top of the page or whether they all just go straight to the downloads... dev has screenshots that tell you what to do...
i'm playing 0.8 and using oculus rift s i can't grip or do anything but open menu. i tried to change the keybind and the steam said keybind was fine but ingame it is what it is...
I cant extract the files from rar file on the latest 0.8 version. It wont let me open the rar itself either. The version 0.5 works fine. Everything after it doesn't open/ extract
Cannot get it to work with the Oculus Quest 2. Followed instructions and launched through virtual desktop through SteamVR, however the game boots to my desktop but not to my VR headset at all...
Hello, I have a problem and it is that every time I want to select the loli, some black strips appear where the loli should be, try to see the others but the same thing happens, some solution please
Is it possible to use this on side-quest? As much as I'd love to play it, I A) don't have a VR headset for PC, and B) my pc isnt even compatible so the quest is the only thing I got.
Tried playing with the quest 2, buttons dont seem to work too well. Cant grab items and stuff. I followed someone's instruction to change the buttons but still wont work :/
With the PC controls there is no option to release items or the hand for some strange reason, the tuturial is also bugged as it does not continue past the PRESS R to say hello part
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btw if ur swimming and she falls over she becomes naked :/
... pedo
why doesn't it work?, all i can see is just all "rars" and one "zip" i wanna try the new zip instead of rar, can you send me the link please?
You have to download Winrar and extract the files. You will see that there is something called "Viva Project" or something of that sort in the files you click on it and you can play the game.
As you can see all versions above 0.5 are in .rar files, this doesnt make any difference for downloading other than the decreased time required, if you want to open said .rar files, use BreeZip (thats what i use and it works fine) and just extract the files to wherever u want to put the game...
can you make the map show where you are with like a marker or something?
How do I make the controller bindings work on quest, I've been trying different bindings but none of them are working
Sadly it doesnt work with index controllers, despite them perfectly emulating vive wands.
just finding this out after 20 minutes of trying to get it to work
and the newest version doesnt work with oculus touch controllers for me
screenshots... top of page... works the same as vive, just need to use the bindings for touch...
Oh lol forgot i commented this i fixed it like a hour after i commented this. thanks though!
dude get this on quest via SideQuest. Your popularity would skyrocket. Currently people own more Oculus Quest 2 than any other VRs combined.
its not on sideques
I mean an apk version where you can play it wirelessly via Quest 2
you must make sure you list it on steam, switch to vr mode in option in-game, then load the controller bindings on stea
are u on oculus if so is it easy to make the binding and what are the binding that u put.
yes it does
What keybindings do you need to use on Quest 2 to get it to work? I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. Appreciate any help you can provide!
you can import keybindings from steam from inside steam vr
there is a bug where i cant move my eyes when i grab the bathroom door in the old house, and can for some reason, can go through it. also the closet and side table i can also go through
When u start out are you at the right height?
Hello, im having a problem where Im SOOOO Low to the ground. Can anyone help me fix this reseting view with steam doesnt work. Please help!!!
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بعدين بتطلع صفحة حقة دعم و بتشوف فوق المستطيل حق وضع المبلغ جملة no thanks take me to the downloads
و بعدين بتطلع لك كل الاصدارات حمل اي اصدار انت تبيه ( في اصدارات ناقصة اشياء )
No matter what I tired I still couldn't get controls fully working. I know the game is good, but sadly I can't play it without controls working. Tho it might be my setup at fault - streaming wirelessly to quest 1. The furthest I have gotten is getting the grab to work, but nothing else. I am not planning on giving up on this game in hopes that one day I will manage to play it as it was meant to be. Patting lolis even with non working controls was enough to hook me on to the game, so I won't quit until I can do more. Dev is doing a great job and I don't want to miss out on it
Я ещё толком не разобрался в управлении(скажите пж как слезть с лошади и как отпускать предметы из рук?)
For some reasons, the loli's head isn't showing in my game, any help?
Is v0.8 just broken on the pc or is it broken on vr too?
the V0.8 is only for VR, pc not supported
wait its pc suported?
didnt know
broken on both (sort of), most of the mechanics were broken due to the physics rewrite, the game is still playable there is just less to do, so if you want all the features that dont work anymore, just use 0.7 latest
Hey, controller tracking won't work on v0.8 at all.
look at the screenshots at top of page
You misunderstand; that works fine for the 0.75.3 version of the game perfectly fine, but I am eternally stuck in the latest version of the game, and am unable to move my hands.
have you tried any of the community bindings for ur headset? Are you launching it as a non-steam game instead of just running the exe? As annoying as it is, to help i will need you to be even more specific... 😅
The whole situation is odd, and I don't even think its the games fault. After launching the latest version, I am unable to even choose a community binding, as it will just load its options indefinitely (it doesn't do this on the 0.75.3 version, but I wonder now since I've applied community bindings on that version it would work on the latest one if I try again?". I launch the game using steam VR, but afterwards, my hands remain glued to one spot on the floor, unable to motion, point, or be moved at all, no matter where I move the controllers.
at this point it sounds like something is corrupted, i would recommend downloading a new 0.8 game folder and doing all previous fixes with that, if it still doesn't work then i literally have no idea what's wrong coz it should be really easy to fix, also what headset are you using, just in case
Dear developers! Tracking for Valve Index controllers does not work on version v0.8.03. In the previous version v 0.75.3, tracking works. Please create a fix. The controllers in the new version lie on the floor and do not move. Tracking doesn't work. The buttons of the controllers work.
Same thing i have said 5 times already! look at the screenshots at the top of the page
The capture button on controllers in Oculus quest 2 is not working. I can only open the menu and walk. Please fix this. I have to play this.
does it work on oculus quest2
link: yes
standalone: no
Same with me :/
im starting to wonder if anyone actually looks at the top of the page or whether they all just go straight to the downloads... dev has screenshots that tell you what to do...
i'm playing 0.8 and using oculus rift s i can't grip or do anything but open menu. i tried to change the keybind and the steam said keybind was fine but ingame it is what it is...
I cant extract the files from rar file on the latest 0.8 version. It wont let me open the rar itself either. The version 0.5 works fine. Everything after it doesn't open/ extract
what are you trying to open it with?
I tried usual WinRAR thingy.. Is there another program to open it with?
try BreeZip, that's what i use and it works fine
I have a oculus quest 2, when I start the game in Steam VR I see it all black, does anyone know why? is the latest version (8.03)
Cannot get it to work with the Oculus Quest 2. Followed instructions and launched through virtual desktop through SteamVR, however the game boots to my desktop but not to my VR headset at all...
Load the game on your desktop, then when it loads you can go into menu to settings, controls, and it should have an option "Switch to VR"
Thank you n . n
Can I play the game without VR ?
yeah :D
only older versions tho...
which version though? the one where I can play with keyboards I mean
all of the ones that say viva project
try redownloading
when are the kitchen and cooking activities coming?
do i need the diffrent ones for them or something else
you need to download the newer version, but you need VR
newer versions have cooking and kitchen, you dont need vr
I cant use 0.8
Just got a Valve Index. Fun sandbox game. Hope you continue to have fun with this project and I will be supporting a lot more. Thanks
waiting for newer version of PC compatibility...
I shall be patient
all respects given by me
we shall have PC people to get this glorious thing
Is it possible to use this on side-quest? As much as I'd love to play it, I A) don't have a VR headset for PC, and B) my pc isnt even compatible so the quest is the only thing I got.
Tried playing with the quest 2, buttons dont seem to work too well. Cant grab items and stuff. I followed someone's instruction to change the buttons but still wont work :/
I can't seem to download version 0.8 how fix?
i have same problem
How do you add the .ex’s file into none steam games?
Please help!
on steam you go bottom left>add a non-steam game>browse>viva project.exe
With the PC controls there is no option to release items or the hand for some strange reason, the tuturial is also bugged as it does not continue past the PRESS R to say hello part
you can let go of an item by pressing Shift+left/right click depending on hand