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Disocrd Link not working! old discord got killed...

My controllers are stuck on the floor of the controls menu where you first switch to vr mode. They won't move, even though they work just fine in everything else? Is there a simple fix to this? Is Windows Mixed Reality not supported somehow?

That'd be weird since it uses SteamVR which supports WMR

screenshots at top of page


My steam vr setting keeps loading the "current bindings" forever. I know I should make custom bindings but the settings are not loading. What can I do?

im having the same problem ive been trying to fix it but nothing worked i mean you cant contact the Author without paying him

I also have this issue

my game keeps launching in desktop version and it stays on the steam vr home thing for a second and it launches on my desktop but not my vr anyone know how to fix this

you need to launch steam vr then launch viva project then there is a button in controls or something it says use vr or smthing

Why is itch only downloading v0.55.3 only instead of auto-downloading the latest version ?

Every time I try to change bindings for my oculus rift s (my controls won't work I cant grab) it crashes when I click change bindings for already made ones or editing a binding my self crashes steam VR what is going on?

Who plays on rift S? The controlls are glitchy

Use version .75.3 and use a preset keybind package like the images show above

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Is this compatible with an Oculus Quest 2? I want to test this game out but, I don't want to waste my time downloading a 700+ MB file. Thanks!


1. Unzip Vivaproject.

2. Add VivaProject.exe to Steam as a non-Steam game.

3. Right click the non-Steam game in your steam library and ,in Properties, check "Include in VR Library".

4. Open Virtual Desktop on your Quest 2 and connect it to your PC (Look up "Virtual Desktop Quest 2" for these steps)

5. Launch SteamVR from Virtual Desktop on Quest 2.

6. Launch VivaProject from your library while in your VR headset.

7. Get to the controller binding page.

8. Look at all the binds on the preset named "Oculus Viva 0.8" (It should be the default). If it shows "Oculus Touch Legacy Controls" restart from steps 4 or 5 until it shows "Ocuclus Viva 0.8" (or something similar).

9. One by one, delete and remake each bind. Make sure to click the check mark under the bind once you're done remaking it. ( has the binds you should use)

10. Once all binds are done, SAVE and verify that you are using your new binding scheme instead of the default.

11. Leave the Steam controller bind interface, make sure the ESC menu (The book) is not open then try using your grip buttons.

how do you add the .exe file?

on steam you go bottom left>add a non-steam game>browse>viva project.exe

my vivaproject.exe is a file that I can only open it doesn’t let me select it and add it as a game?

Add ALG4#4404 on discord I will explain in details

(3 edits)

How do you fix your hands if they are stuff in the floor?

Someone should also make a new discord, it'll help the entire community in general.

screenshots at top of page already is one...


can you play this on oculus?

yes you an play it on oculus but you need steam vr in order to use your vr headset

ok thanks bro

Is there a way to reset the game? I keep falling out the world :(

And before that was a lot of bugs, most with controls and lolis orders (ver 0.8.3)


just go to the stuff where data is located at you should find a folder named "save" double click it and delete the script inside. It will reset your game 

(2 edits)

i have friends now :D

but the 0.8.3 version is kinda broken :(

how do i download

with the download button?

Version 8 has a bug when I send Loli to bathe she is literally standing naked

It is a glitch on 0.8 use 0.75 for a full experience, 0.8 is more for exploration and throwing lolis around.

I was having this issue too, thanks!

i see thank you

can you make it so us quest users can side load this onto our headsets, my pc isn't compatible with the quest and i would love to play this

that would be great


Anyone know hoe to download this using sidequest?

u cant... its an exe not an apk

(Rift) None of my buttons work even after reworking the controls several times

(1 edit)

use a community binding for whatever rift ur using, i would try 5-10 of them coz some just flat out dont work... but that should fix it, if it doesnt then idk what else to say

why are you giving "Fault- forbidden" all the time that I try to install the new version?


Anybody who's having issues on WMR contact me on discord - Foxyz#6946

Yeah i need help, i added you, im MoniTwo#193

I don't just go around adding people, just msg me 


Awesome video, horro time

Help, how to download with Internet Explorer? 

Who knows, discard the instructions

(1 edit)

you need something to extract the files like WinRAR. Then just click download and choose if you wanna donate. Then you can download the version u like. After it has downloaded extract the files to where ever you want it to be

this is adorable it does need bug fixes tho

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 277 days ago

Tried the latest as of March2021 and all I get is a black screen? Going to try an earlier version?

What is this version? And yes, if there is an earlier version (namely 0.8.02 or 0.8.01, but not 0.7), please report or give a link.

Tried 0.8.03, then 0.75.3 which loaded but wouldn't recognize my controllers. The controllers were working fine with the steam menu interface though when I checked the bindings I got a loading interface that never ended.

I had the same problem on v0.8.03 and Index


Game is awesome, but 0.8 still needs a lot of fixes.


I can't access the discord server, please fix the invite link!

(1 edit)

The discord server got shutdown nope

(1 edit)

Please add NORMAL control for valve index


I spawned in a bunch of lolis but now I can't figure out how to despawn them. Plz help.

you cant... xD just throw them off the edge of the world and they should just disappear

(2 edits)

Good chill game. It would be better with some more fixes.

I have my gameplay included in here:

Bro, the physics in your latest version are more bounce than physics. If I even try to give any girl a picture, she will go flying into space.

The game was so much better without the physics. I recommend you remove physics or add an option to turn them off.

They are very broken.

If I may ask, what VR headset are you using? A lot of times Physics wonkiness is directly related to the frames per second that the game is running at. I know sometimes if a game has a physics engine coded fr 60fps then running the game at 120fps for example causes physics issues such as exaggerated force and acceleration. Not saying that is for sure the issue but I know it has been on other games with physics problems.

I am using an Oculus Rift S


Unplayable on WMR. Hands never appear anywhere in my field of view so I can't really calibrate them.

Make sure all buttons/poses are mapped.

(1 edit)

Same my hands are just lodged in the floor, I can barely do anything

go in steamVR bindings menu and choose my bindings from community bindings aka "Shared bindings by Foxyz"

(2 edits) (+3)

The most recent version linked here (v.0.8.03) is completely broken. Nobody responds to gestures or does anything except for react to direct contact like headpats. The only working AI I've seen is the girl behind the bath house counter who will bring your towel out and show you to the changing room. Also grabbing anyone's hand seems to always make their arm snap backwards and it feels impossible to do anything gentle with them. Should probably link the last working version for v0.8 until these are patched since right now it leaves a really poor impression of the game.

Edit: For some reason, spawning a custom card character suddenly had the AI working again (for gesture responses at least) even for the ones that come with the game, but I could no longer spawn characters and the tutorial still didn't function. Still seems to be a pretty buggy version of the game even with this workaround though.

I've been dealing with this as well. Couldn't find the 8.0-8.2 updates anywhere.

Have you tried briefly pointing at the one you want to  interact with? They now only respond if you select them by pointing at them this way (they should have an arrow above their head when selected).

Not to mistake, a lot of stuff are broken due to the sudden injection of the physics engine that was probably not thought through, but that much should be working.

I tried that after doing that "fix" I mentioned. It didn't highlight anyone and I couldn't un-highlight the one spawned in.

I think the Discord invite is expired it didn't work for me


The original Discord linked here got banned and they had to make a new one. New link is on their website ( but here's a direct link to it:

hello everyone i dont know if anyone else has this problem but whenever i try to download the game they are all .rar files is this a corrupt file or just needing updated any help is very appreciated 

you can open .rar files with WinRar or any other program with similar abilities... I personally use BreeZip but this is not the only alternative... 

(1 edit)

I can’t save a quit can someone help i click save and quit in the vr and it doesn’t close same with desktop mode too i can only close it with the x and the top corner and my progress is not being save help please 

good morning i have this problem as you can see in the picture the lolis are without a head and this not only with one is with all the body but the head appears no more and if you look at something below her legs something buggy on the floor or me i wish someone could fix the game to solve this bug i was waiting for the release of this game and when i went to play the girls are headless i love this game so much could you help me please since when I left the game I didn’t play because they’re headless please help me

this happens to me too and the loli's head is twisted inside the floor

already solved the bug in loli's head i'm waiting to download if it's ready it's boring to play if you can't see their face omega shadow waiting for news

for me my loli are without a head too..sad,right?

are you brazilian like me?? xd

sim o sou brasileiro a nova versão Viva Project 0.9.09 eu baixei so que ele n sai da tela de carregamento mano ele so fica na bugado e tocando sons de pássaros


Does the latest version work in vr?

(I'm using Oculus Rift S)

(2 edits)

Ok, I played the game to use vr but when I start up the game, the loading screen appears and then it's sent to desktop mode. Can somebody please tell me what the hell I should do?

sorry for bad English I'm a dumbass

nevermind lol i didnt press vr mode in controls

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