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the game on oculus rift s is broke plese repair it cuz its my fauvorite game 

btw sry for bad englisch im from poland

my loli is buggy she has no head, how do I fix it

idk,my loli is headless too..:(

I am sorry but the latest download 0.8.03 is not working properly. Many actions and interactions are broken in the tutorial there is no chance of doing R. The animations visible in the videos are not accessible... Is there a chance you could set the link to 0.8.02 as it was working better than this version?

Many actions are unstoppable like there is no chance of getting back from the towel to clothes after swimming...

Still great game thank you for giving access to it :)


Could there be a version or a way to run natively on Quest/2?

Hi I tested your game (second game) (the 0.7 version though):

It was... Weird? I mean, I think I could totally enjoy taking care of her and stuff, but the...Hm... "pantsu" achievement... I will never do that honestly XD 
That said, it is very well made! I didn't play that much because I didn't really have the time to explore more but I could see there were a lot of things to do, so good job! Hoping I could see it finished one day! :D

How can I drop objects on keyboard and mouse?

I often freeze the game after 10 minutes of playing and the monitor turns off for a couple of seconds, then it turns on again, but the game window displays only a black screen. You have to restart the game. Is it just me or someone else? What to do?

(thanks to Google translator)

does anyone know how to download v0.8 i can only download v0.55 

i help you if you help me with the bugs see my comment below your comment

(3 edits) (-1)

hey guys i meet this game in youtube and i loved when i downloaded the newest version they're bug. in v0.8.03 are missing head 0.75.3 0.6.3 0.55.3 becomes a monster just the older virsions work to me

edit: the head is deformed inside the floor but look is missing

me too


Bug - v0.8 on an Oculus Rift S; Whenever I start the game, my hands will be stuck in the ground. I haven't found a fix, other than downloading the previous version, v0.75.


Im having the same issue With an oculus CV1. any help would be appreciated


Bug - Loli stays angry even if I pat her or tickle her unless I restarted the game.

The water effect on camero can't remove and make me blind.


Will there ever be an option for a guy instead of a female? :)

i've a bug in my game with water when I go into it in a bath or in a bath Loli naked

I have a question and I would like to know if the mistake of the girls without legs happens to someone else and if they can tell me how to solve it

plus I can't even hold their hand like before I can't move them from the spawn site :'v

no se si hay problema en que comente en español pero quiero reportar dos bugs

*uno es que cuando entro al agua y a veces se bugea la animación que me hace ver borroso y no se quita de la pantalla hasta que entre al gua y resetee la animación 

*el otro es que estaba jugando una partida normal y de repente la chica se caía sola y se levantaba y volvía a caer y asi infinitamente

tendran que tradusirlo supongo


Can you fuck her tho?




no no you can not and it wont be added 

Deleted post

Hello good afternoon! I've been watching this best game in the world on youtube for months, but one day I downloaded version 0.6.3 and there was a bug right away at Loli, she was invisible and only the skirt appears and sometimes it gives a bigger bug and gives a big black business means from the side. I've tried to play in all versions, leave graphics at maximum, install some optimization programs and it didn't work, is there a solution or will I need to wait? I would really like to play this game, I would also like to tell my story because I love it so much, but it would give many words. Below is a picture of the problem ...


As of the 0.8.02 update I can't play in VR. The older 0.75.3 works perfectly fine.

I did also try launching the game while in steam but it just gives a black screen while the game runs on the desktop.

Deleted 4 years ago

I'm having the exact same issue. I'm trying to run it with an Oculus Rift and it just loads on the desktop. I've tried running it through SteamVR, adding it to my library as a non-Steam game, etc. but nothing has worked thus far. If you found a solution, please let me know! I've been wanting to play this game and it's super frustrating that it's not working.


Have you tried switching the game to VR mode in the controls menu?

good night i am having a problem with a bug of the girls they are headless could someone support me and tell me how to solve this error a long time ago i was waiting to download this game and it is in error please help me fix this bug is in Viva Project v0.8 please help me


Hey developer, Do you ever think your going to put the game on sidequest so it would be available for oculus quest user's to play? I think this game could work really well on there!!! Because I have an oculus quest 2 and I've always wanted to play this game.


cool, my hands are stuck in the ground

Great game! Only issue is that with the latest patch, after starting the game a second time, my hands are now permanently stuck in the ground. The controls still work, my hands will grab and point, they just don't move off the ground.

Version 0.75.3 doesn't have this problem so I can still play with it. I've tried reinstalling steam vr and nothing seems to work. Changing my controls with community bindings doesn't do anything either.

same here :/


can you make an apk version that can be sideloaded onto oculus quest/2 :)

I would die for that 

Want this as well


Hi. I fell in love with this game at first sight (I looked at YouTube) and I wanted to download it. At that time, there was version 0.75.3 and when I downloaded Loli it loaded like this: her hands were visible and there was always something black, later version 0.8.01 was released and there was a buggy version: firstly, Loli did not spawn through the mirror, and Loli was also loaded without a head and constant stripes coming out of them and bugs with water I don't really like (a bug with water when I go into it in a bath or in a bath Loli naked). Please fix it, but at the moment I'm playing what it is because I like this game!

Lol what?

Okay, I fixed the binding issue. My left hand is permanently stuck backwards, how do I fix it? Using the ball to fix it just means my right hand is stuck backwards instead.

(1 edit) (+3)

My hands are constantly stuck to the floor, how do I fix this?

Download v0.8.01 I just released this hotfix. You should now be able to map the controls. It also now comes with the Oculus, Index, and Vive bindings.

(1 edit) (+3)

I did, it didn't seem to fix it. It was like that out of the box. I also was unable to map the controls.


Oculus Rift S user - reporting the same bug, although I had more annoyances (chronologically):

1. The game seemed to work fine at first but I couldn't grab anything.

2. I then tried setting a community binding, I could grab now but my hands were stuck in one place. After rebooting, they were stuck to the floor.

3. I couldn't rebind back to official bindings but I guess that's more SteamVR's problem.

Reverted back to older version of the game. Worked fine after activating a community binding,

How do I map controls to the index controllers? Every time I try to click map, it gets caught in a loading loop.

The element server wont let me in, is it down?


Viva,can you help me?? my loli is headless..:(

Your hardware might not be good enough.

i am in windows.

you need to fix this bug.

what do i do if my hardware is not good enough?


What about some DISTURBING details in the next Version?
Like make lolis feel pain, making Loli's cry, adding a health bar to them, adding blood?
Yes, I'm a got damn Lunatic, but, it would be really interesting

what did i just wrote XD



waiting for the 8.0 version


it takes ages to load or i think doesnt load at all and when i do any input while it loads it just crashes

It won't let me download through the desktop app.

yo where 8.0 at ?

this game seems fun and all but i cant create the characters even after dragging the files over can anyone help me with this?


still wanna know if there's a way to remove bubbles 

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