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The only problem I have is navigating/walking on the quest 2.
The analog sticks doesn't seem to work.
It looks great tho!

Thank you for your amazing work ^^


I hope that the developers will never slack forward but next year can you release this game to the Android platform?

(3 edits)

why can i only instal 2 versions

someone pls help because i really want to play the newer versions

(edit)nvm im just stupid theres only 2 windows versions and im on windows but please make a windows newer version pleaseeeeee  this game is really cool


I just released v0.9.05 and you should all see a large improvement in controls and physics handling. Lots of bugfixes as well.

Desktop mode only? When I click play in VR it doesn't do anything :c

What headset are you playing?

htc vive

I just added support for HTC Vive controllers. Try again.

The controllers work now but it won't display to my headset. I'm not sure what the problem is but I'm gonna try to fix it B)


vr only?

the game doesn't load all the other versions load perfectly, this one doesn't load and crash my pc

Oigan tengo un problema no me dega descargar el juego me dice prohibido en media descarga


What happened to this game? I don't mean to be negative, but v0.9 feels like an early demo. The onsen is a nice change of scenery, but the original Mexican farmhouse was way better. The controls are all over the place, and the weird zombie arms that always stick out in front of you feel so unnatural. There's 0 deadzone and no way to change it, so your character is constantly stumbling around in every direction, which makes interacting with things even harder when combined with the awkward arms.

I hate to say it, but the game has become completely unplayable and it's a damn shame.

(2 edits) (+1)

I agree. Try out the latest patch. v0.9 was rushed due to a vacation and I'm the only dev. It was a hard decision but it was done to accommodate physics and mod support. Overall it was a setback but it allows us to have a higher ceiling of features, so I rolled with it. Also legal issues with Shinobu....
The mexican farmhouse will return.


Try Making a APK so oculus players can install without need of a powerful computer, if not possible it's fine

i cant play the new version

por que no puedo jugar la ultima version, me sale una pequeña pantalla de carga con el simbolo de juego y un signo de error y se cierra,  juego en teclado

So I can get the game to launch for mouse & keyboard, but I'm trying to get it to launch for VR.  I load into SteamVR Home and launch the game through steam but it still won't take the call :(

I just figured it out. You have to hit Tab to bring up the menu in game and then switch to VR mode. It's really unintuitive. But to be honest, the latest update has taken the game in the completely wrong direction, and it's just not worth playing in its current state. You'll get frustrated and quit within seconds of loading it.

hey the newest download doesn't seem to want to launch, i get as far as the logo then a separate unity window opens and then everything crashes.

how do i spawn the creature??? ive looked everywhere on the onsen map and i cant even spawn the loli


"the creature" lmaoo


Just played the game and now my body is confused...

Yay, mental suffering

Nevermind, I am not suffering, I'm laughing.

how do you capture Chicken on keyboard version?


you can sit down and chase the chiken, or you can call loli by F and point chicken by right mouse button

keyboard mode is not bad but there's a lot of things that could be improved 

Are there any similar games who knows the thread?


its not letting me change my binds for vr

ah the new version works really bad with keyboard and mouse, guess its time to buy a vr

maybe they will fix it?

i hope they do

In the works for this week.

Does anyone now how to fix the control buttons not working I've tried to do it but every time I open control settings on steam VR I say's steam is unavailable and some addons are blocked every time 

Try steamvr beta. 

Pleasr make this a VR app store free game i really wanted to plat just to find out i need a pc or desk top app 😭

(1 edit) (+2)

How do I launch game in VR? SteamVR doesn`t see it anymore

Likewise. Won't launch from SteamVR

I'm not able to install the latest version using the Itch app, probably because it's not tagged with an operating system. If you could do so, it'd be much appreciated by those of us trying to switch to's desktop client/app.

(1 edit)

when i open the game, it just wont finish loading, i just have this blurry bunch of viva logo for ever and it just freeze for eternity. it says "not responding". I only hear the sound of the game but can't play it. please i need help

Patch was released for all those stuck in Baking Navigation

Thank you! Now it's working!

(1 edit)

Can't launch "onsen" from main menu, it stucks with black screen "Baking navigation"

taking a look now...

Show post...

for some reason when I launch it, the application either just closes down or it gets stuck on a black screen with the word Finalizing... on it

taking a look now...

Deleted 3 years ago

You create game, creates now version 0.9 

Please of loli miki Return


My game hands are far away from my actual hands and i can't click anything. I see this problem happen to other people, does anybody have a solution? (im on oculus quest 2 w/ cable)

are there any known issues with using the Oculus Rift cv1? none of the bindings or gestures seem to be working, can't grab or point


Hey could you make this as an apk so we can download on the quest 2

I agree. I'm trying to find a way to do that.

Im confused are you a modder for the game?

Nope. I just want to play the game. Maybe I might mod... Probably not.

I need help Oculus Rift S black screen when loading in wtf??

You just sit down at the PC, go into the settings - controls - control the virtual controllers, press and the game goes into vr mode

Is this project still alive?

(1 edit)

check out the discord server or the patreon page


A simple yes or no would suffice.

yes it is and its evolving, its a whole new experiance


Why is this in the nsfw games >.> as far as I know there isnt anything nsfw about it lest im missing somthing

the ai of messed up a bit and put it in nsfw category even if its not. just a tiny mistake

Can't install the latest version from itch client (just reporting)

I hope the next version will be available on the client

(1 edit) (-2)

Don't even bother if you're on quest 2 cause this shit ain't working I have tried multiple things and the shit won't work.

Edit: Ok so I got it working now but it took me damn near 3 hours and mainly because I couldn't open the steam which was cause by me having the oculus and the menu buttons swapped.

When you say you couldn't open steam, do you mean you couldn't rebind the controls? That's what I need to know. I have the game launched, but how do I then access steam VR settings, as they do in the photos, and create the bindings?

If you have the oculus and menu buttons swapped you need to change them back and then press the menu button on the left controller when ingame to bring up the steam dashboard menu.

I see -- If they are swapped, how do you change them back?

You go into settings in the quest menu then accessibility then turn switch oculus and menu button off.

I go into settings but that wheel just never stops spinning smh 

could you tell me how to download this game to my oculas quest 2 cause I don’t even know where to start. 

what I mean is that like I Know how to download it to my pc but i don’t know how to get it to much quest 2

Unfortunately you can't do that yet unless they have released a version specifically for the quest 2 so you have to play through your pc.

If you have that cord that connects the quest 2 to the PC, you can launch the game and be good 

problem with screen staying wet. i rode the horse into the water by accident and now my screen is perma wet

can you put it on sidequest

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